Monday, August 25, 2008

Mood Swings

I don't know why, maybe it's hormones, the crap weather, post-vacation blues, whatever. My mood is all over the place this week. I went from incredibly happy on Saturday to completely in the dumps today. Not even about anything specific, just feeling frustrated and blue. It doesn't help that my boss can be a complete harridan at times. Even if it's not directed at me, it's still not fun to be around! I've been thinking about buying this really cute purple coat that's in the window of the shop down the street from my job. Maybe that will perk me up? Blah, what a boring post!


Nic said...

my bet is on hormones. they can really do a number on ya, but that's the price of being a woman ;)

Carrie said...

My hormones have been CRAZY this week, so I can fully relate to what you're going through. Men have it so easy not having to deal with mood swings...

Elita said...

I hope you're feeling better! The good thing about being in a funk is it usually disappears as quickly as it reared its ugly head.